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Here’s the Most Effortless Way to Stay in Front of Your Real Estate Agents and Lenders

Here’s the Most Effortless Way to Stay in Front of Your Real Estate Agents and Lenders

Any title agency owner or sales rep knows that the more they’re able to stay in front of their real estate agents and lenders, the more likely it is that they’re going to get that repeat business, driving more topline revenue. 

When you ask most agencies what they do to stay in front of agents, they’ll tell you things like meals & entertainment, training sessions, courses, lunch and learns – all of these being pretty much high-touch items, requiring the title sales rep or account manager to put in a lot of time and effort. 

We’re not saying these are bad or that you shouldn’t keep doing some of these. We’re here to say that if your goal is to maintain that level of brand awareness and offer value to your clients, you might as well do it via technology. 

And one great piece of tech is based on a need both lenders and realtors have, which is the need for quotes. Instead of acting as a concierge and feeding them quotes whenever they reach out to you, why don’t you give them access to your title agency’s own quoting app. 

Here are some of the reasons why your quoting app will quickly become the most effective tool to help you remind them you should be their #1 choice when it comes to sending business. 

1. It’s embedded into their daily workflows

Since your custom-branded title app features your agency’s name and logo, your clients receive a lot of subtle exposure to your brand, which guarantees they will never forget it. Your brand remains at the top of their thoughts throughout every workday. 

This exposure also helps trigger memories of past positive experiences with your company, which might lead them to reach out to you even if they hadn’t planned to speak with you any time soon.

2. It helps improve your client experience

Realtors and lenders need accurate real-time data. When you provide a one-stop, branded app, they enjoy the best experiences possible. 

Clients happy with the tools at their disposal are more likely to automatically offer you, as the tool provider, word-of-mouth advertising by sharing their positive experiences with their colleagues and clients. 

They’re also more likely to provide valuable feedback that helps you optimize the app’s performance or your employees and further maintain or improve your reputation.

3. It offers practical value

Your clients are more likely to respond similarly after experiencing the positive benefits of using your branded title app. After all, they receive access to an unprecedented amount of trusted information, including seller net sheets, title quotes, loan estimate quotes, buyer estimates, and property tax prorations, in a convenient, portable package on the web. 

The three most beneficial ways they typically reciprocate this value are via referrals, repeat business, and reviews. These actions cost you nothing and help increase your positive brand reputation, traffic, and revenues.

4. It saves them time and money

Seconds count in competitive markets. A branded app guarantees that title agents, realtors, and lenders have the estimates and other critical data they need to complete timely transactions on their desktops at the agency and home offices, laptops, tablets, or phones when in the field. 

Your branded app saves everyone time and money by providing a user-friendly, modern tool optimized for speed, efficiency, and real-time updates.

Talk to Us Today

Suppose you’re interested in seeing how a title agency app can help you grow your business? In that case, you should look at our solution, TitleCapture. Click here to schedule a demo with one of our friendly product specialists, and they’ll give you a quick 30-minute online tour!

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