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The 3 reasons why you need a title quote app



Reason 1: To take your brand awareness and customer satisfaction to a new level

Brand awareness is something every title company should increase. With so much competition and a difficult market, title companies really need to polish their marketing skills. It’s a known fact that clients appreciate whenever a company provides them with real value, instead of just asking for their business. They know their business is valued and they demand something in return.

A title quote app, if designed with the client in mind, will do a lot for them. First of all, it will eliminate the need for them to call your staff, therefore helping them to cut down on the time spent calling, waiting, scheduling a call, and so on.

Next, it would be cool if the title quote app will allow them to not only generate a quote that features accurate fees for your title company, but also allow them to generate a net sheet or a preliminary HUD. This way, the client will be able to get information for different scenarios he may face (his customer is a buyer, a seller, someone who just want to do a refinance, etc).

The really cool thing a title quote app may do is actually allow your client to send the quote/net sheet or HUD to his own customer (the buyer/seller/borrower). This would technically allow your client to get the quote and send it to the customer is seconds. Your realtors and lenders will appreciate the fact that you are making their life a lot easier.

Last but not least, your title quote app will feature your logo (at least it should) because all this value and usefulness of the app will need to be tied subliminally to your company’s logo.

Reason 2: To save your staff precious hours of work and avoid interrupting their work flow

The second reason you absolutely need a title quote app, that’s generating quotes, net sheets or HUDs is that it no longer require your reps to sit down and actually calculate the quotes. This is a major time saver and if you start adding the hours saved for each rep and office, at the end of the month you’ll see the real benefit.

But it’s not just about the hours saved, it’s also something most managers don’t think about.

Suppose you’re rep John, and … it’s the dreadful end of the month… Ugh! Now John is working on a closing and he’s really focused on not screwing up anything. Here comes the phone call! It’s his realtor Jane who has this property that she is trying to buy and she needs a quote. Now, John, who is supposed to cater to all his clients equally must do what? Drop the closing, calculate the quote, send it Jane, call her back to see if she got it? If he does that, the closing is on stand by and it’s risky, plus his daily schedule is now a mess. And what if Jane or Sam or Jack all call within 10 minute intervals to ask for quotes?

These interruptions are not doing anyone any favors. That’s why all clients should be instructed to get their own quotes via the app. Full stop.

Reason 3: To attract traffic to your website

Another great reason to have a value-added tool like the title quote app is it’s a great traffic generator to your site. Not only that, but people may give out the link to your site on social media, forums, etc, attracting other potential clients to work with you. The more exposure your app gets, the more your title company will grow.

If you want to see a well-designed title quote app that your title company can really use to it’s advantage, check out TitleCapture at The TitleCapture staff is always ready to schedule a demo and show you how your title quote app will function!

TitleCapture helps you capture more clients

TitleCapture helps your title company bring in new clients, track their production and drive revenue,while offering instant Title Quotes, Net Sheets and preHUDs.


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