Thursday, November the 9th
10 AM Eastern Time

The 5 Proven Ways Title Companies Improve their Client Loyalty.

Wade Vander Molen
SVP of Business Development
Pruitt Title

What you'll learn:

60 minutes filled with actionable insights.

the Art of Follow-Up

Discover the true essence of value in the title industry. We'll guide you in defining your unique value proposition and understanding what truly matters to your clients. Learn how to identify and address your clients' pain points effectively, and understand why value should sell itself. If you find yourself "selling" too hard, it's time to rethink your strategy.

Unlocking the
Power of Value Creation

In this section, we emphasize the significance of consistent and meaningful follow-up. Having the business isn't a given; you must actively nurture your client relationships. We'll delve into crafting valuable follow-up interactions that leave your clients eager to take your call. Discover why all your potential revenue lies in the follow-up, and understand why a solid follow-up plan is essential for client retention.

Positioning Yourself as a Trusted Business Partner

Being a title company isn't about delivering snacks and services like Doordash. We'll show you how to create unwavering client loyalty by demonstrating that you are an equal business partner. Your primary focus is on securing commitments and opportunities through the value you provide. We'll explore how to separate the genuine clients from those seeking freebies, and how to attract and retain the clients who truly value your services.