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Title Agency Marketing – BE your Realtors or Lenders

Marketing Strategy


For everyone who’s been a sales person or doing marketing for quite some time, one thing is clear. Before you can sell anything, you need to build the right kind of raport. 

What that means is the man or woman standing next to you, or on the other end of the line, or staring at a post you’ve written, must feel like you’re “one of them”. 

If your goal is to win over as many Realtors or Lenders and get business from them, recurrently, you need to be one of them. What does this mean? Does it mean you have to actually do their job? Sell or buy homes? Originate loans? By any means no. (Although it would help if you did that in the past)

The game is to learn as much as you possibly can about what they do and how they do it. Learn what hurts. Figure out solutions to their issues. Be able to offer valuable advice. Give them the tools they need (or at least recommend them the good ones). 

You have to really put yourself out there. Meet up and sit down with as many of them as possible.

As an example, let’s say it’s about the way TRID requires lenders to disclose title insurance to home buyers. Now you all know the “synthetic” formula the CFPB has “thrown” out there. You all know how it’s actually different than what the “actual” owner policy and lender policy will cost when you have a sale that involves a loan. This is a sensitive issue. Do the research, put out a great PDF for Realtors to teach them how to go about this. Put out a great PDF for Lenders and teach them how to go about this (there are two angles to this, the latter requiring the use of Adjustments to actually come up with “realistic” buyer/seller amounts.

Put all this content out there. Do a lunch-and-learn. Use WebEx or other webinar tools and ivite your agents to a webinar. It’s going to pay off. Because you put yourself in their shoes. You show you care. You do your homework, give them something valuable and then they will thank you for that by referring business to the people they love and trust.

See, we live in an economy where what truly matters is the value you give upfront. What you put out there comes back to you tenfold. 

Check out this value added tool that WE provide to title agencies. It’s called TitleCapture. It’s another great tool designed to boost loyalty among your Realtors and Lenders. Check it out here:


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