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Empower Your Realtors and Lenders to Grow Your Title Company

Empower Your Realtors and Lenders to Grow Your Title Company

Your success as a title company relies heavily on your Realtors and Lenders. The number of Realtors and Lenders that work with you is one parameter your success depends on. How effective and successful they are is the second one.

So stop thinking about your title company for a second, and start thinking about THEM.

We believe that if you really help your Realtors and Lenders be more effective, not only do you increase your business, but you win partners for life.

Let’s see 3 of the best ways to empower them.

Method 1: Enable them to send closing estimates to their clients ON THE SPOT

The way most Realtors operate is they take their clients’ property location, the listing price, previous loans data, property taxes, etc.

Then they go back to the office, pick up the phone or send you, the title company, an email with a request (let’s say they need a net sheet) and wait for you to send them the calculation back. They would take that, export to a PDF, and send it to their clients.

Now, wouldn’t it be nice if the Realtor, while at the client’s location, picked up his iPhone, plugged in the data in your mobile-friendly title quote app, got an instant calculation and then, with the click of a button sends the estimate to the client.

What used to take a couple of days in some cases, takes less than a minute. This saves time for your Realtors, but it also makes them look very professional and gain a HUGE edge over their competition.

A lot of title companies, like First American Title and First International Title, just to name a couple of them, have turned to our title quote app to achieve just that.

Method 2: Ordering title online. Huge time saver.

We live in the digital era right now. The concept of a title company’s office as a physical location where clients need to go and order title becomes more and more deprecated.

Instead, by using the Internet, title companies can now make it easy for their clients, eliminating the trip to the office, but also exceed their physical boundaries and do closings in other counties and even states.

Now, the best way to enable clients to order title quickly would be to have your website feature extensive forms, through which your clients can actually send the order. This means that your clients will be able to order title while being away, in less than 5 minutes.

We are currently working on a product that allows you, WITHOUT ANY TECH-EXPERIENCE AT ALL to install these forms to your existing website. We’ll let you know as soon as the product is available and we’ll be glad to show you just how easy it will become for your company to offer mobile ordering.

Method 3: Last but not least, EDUCATE your Realtors

Take our example. Just the way we try super-hard to give title companies marketing advice and insight, the same way should you create this “wall of content”, via your blog, that will be geared at offering all your Realtors very useful insight on how they can close more deals.

Now, we’re not Realtors, so the best way to find out what exact insight you will be providing is to either partner up with your best Realtor and extract that information from him/her, or hire one as a consultant.

Also, real estate market statistics that you think would be useful are the kind of thing you should be focusing on providing.

TitleCapture is also working on a blogging platform, due shortly, that will help all title companies create and maintain their precious content. We’ll let you know when you can give this a try.

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