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How FNTI is helping title agencies survive and thrive in the current economic climate

TitleCapture and FNTI teamed up to provide title agencies with the best technology, help them stay competitive and streamline processes. Check out the podcast!

TitleCapture and FNTI have recently teamed up, in an effort to provide title agencies with the best technology, helping them stay competitive and streamline their process. 

Our guest is Jacquie Brink, who is the SVP, Great Lakes Region Manager in Michigan. Jacquie is also the President of the Michigan Land Title Association – and it’s an absolute honor to host her and get a fresh perspective on how the title industry currently stands.

During the podcast we’re touching on topics such as:

  • How was FNTI affected by the market slowdown in 2022
  • The current recovery / uptick that seems to be happening in the market
  • An interesting perspective on how 2023 and 2024 will unfold
  • What title agencies should do to survive and thrive going forward
  • What title agencies should do to boost sales
  • The role of an underwriter in helping their independent title agencies grow, and more specifically, what FNTI is doing to achieve that goal.

We hope that you’ll get a lot of interesting insight by watching this 40-minute long podcast and while you’re at it, make sure to check out TitleCapture and see how we can help grow your title agency, as well as First National Title Insurance Company, if you’re looking for an underwriter that you know, like and trust.

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