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Title companies reveal this key element in their growth toolkit

High-performing title agencies have one key element in their growth toolkit: the use of technology to create advantages.

Recent market turmoil is sparking countless conversations about title agency survival. That’s understandable – we’re facing above-average turmoil in the real estate markets, a hangover from the furious growth most of us saw during the pandemic. At TitleCapture, over the years, we’ve seen breakneck growth, and we’ve seen slowdowns. It’s just the nature of the title business. We’ve collected survey data for several years, during good times and bad, and we’ve found that the highest-performing title agencies have one key element in their growth toolkit: careful use of technology to create advantages.

How TitleCapture helps title agencies streamline their process, save money and save time.

When working on a time-sensitive settlement, the last thing a rep wants to do is hop on a call with Kyle the realtor or Kari the lender when they need a quote, especially when many of these quotes will not necessarily materialize into orders. 

So what’s the solution?

The solution is to put these quotes on auto

From a business perspective, you still want to connect with Kyle and Kari. They do add value to your business. But you don’t want them to hinder your other operations. By giving your clients access to a self-serve quoting solution like TitleCapture, you put these quotes on auto-, saving time and expanding your reach 24/7, 365 days a year.

TitleCapture’s Quote Self-Service Solution

Is TitleCapture Accurate?

TitleCapture’s self-serve quoting solution is incredibly accurate, with over 2 million quotes run through our system each year, with most generated by realtors and lenders, as well as title and escrow reps – who still choose to act as a concierge for their clients.

Is TitleCapture Efficient?

When you give your clients access to a self-serve quoting solution like TitleCapture, they can log in whenever they want – and generate the estimate themselves. An added bonus is the fact that they will not have to wait for the title or escrow rep – they get their quote instantly, with a significantly reduced cost to you in terms of personnel hours.

A streamlined process means cost efficiency, and when you’re growing, you want to be able to spend the money on growth items, such as bringing more business in or retaining the clients you do have with QoL (quality of life) touches like the automated quote offerings from TitleCapture.

Create Loyalty (and repeat business) with TitleCapture.

In a recent survey of agents, we found that over 80% prefer to work with providers with two characteristics: tech savviness and innovation. Put another way, agents like working with people that save their time, a particularly valuable commodity in an industry that still lives and dies on commissions. 

Real estate professionals (and their customers) demand digital options.

According to data from brand management experts Landor and Associates, most consumers consider technology as the most critical differentiating factor between two otherwise identical brands. It’s not a “nice to have” digital solution for your customers, it is an expectation – one that will continue to grow as more and more digital natives enter the property markets.

Loved by Title Agencies (and their teams) Nationwide

That’s why so many heavy hitters in the title industry use TitleCapture’s innovative quoting solution – including Boston National, Pioneer Title, and Liberty Title. 

TitleCapture has an enormous retention rate among users. It’s more than 80%, which means that roughly 8 in 10 realtors or lenders who sign up and use it the first time end up coming back week after week. This speaks volumes about agents’ ease of use and confidence when utilizing TitleCapture’s auto-quote solution.

Stacey Maczulis of First Source Title Agency, an early client of TitleCapture, sang our praises and spoke about life before and after TitleCapture during a recent discussion with the firm’s Co-Founder and CEO Alex Samant:

TitleCapture has been a game changer – my agents love it – they use it daily.”

When discussing TitleCapture’s ability to enhance her business beyond on-demand and accurate title quotes:

“They love that they can put their professional headshot and information on the sheet, so when they take it to a listing appointment, they can immediately create a professional impression with their presentation.” 

And the overall TitleCapture user experience:

“We also love the way TitleCapture is laid out. It’s very simple for them to explain the different fees and other aspects the client might not know about. They are very pleased with that- and so are we. Our experience has been great.”

Just for the big firms?

TitleCapture adoption is by no means limited to larger institutional players. Small and medium-sized businesses also find tremendous opportunity via the platform. 

In a recent discussion, Jacquie Brink, the SVP, Great Lakes Region Manager in Michigan, spoke about the small(er) firms that are seeing significant value from using auto-quoting and related offerings from TitleCapture

When asked about who would benefit from using TitleCapture, she remarked:

“One of the things people don’t know about TitleCapture is all it does – they (real estate professionals and title company users) think it’s just a rate calculator. It’s actually far more than that. 

For instance, if you’re looking at a title agent that’s got an outdated website or they’re not sure how they can put their app on mobile devices, they stand to benefit in the same fashion as larger institutional outfits – somewhat leveling the playing field in an industry where you want every advantage you can get.”

Why choose TitleCapture for your title company?

In this economic climate, title agencies can’t afford to bury their head in the sand. The highest-performing firms will continue to adopt more and better tech solutions to improve their business. While smaller firms may not have the scale of a large institution, they can adopt some of the same solutions those big players use to create efficiencies. Solutions like TitleCapture.

Ready to quote like an institution? 

Access this short online demo, where one of our product specialists can show you how TitleCapture will help your business benefit from the same digital solution used by the largest players in the title industry.

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