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How Concierge Title of Texas uses TitleCapture to deliver the Best Customer Service

How Concierge Title of Texas uses TitleCapture to deliver the Best Customer Service


New to the industry as of 2018, Concierge Title of Texas has hit the ground running. Since opening its doors, it has become a leading competitor in the Texas Title Industry, and during the COVID-19 pandemic, was completing over a thousand closings per month. On a mission to become the most trusted and respected “Concierge” service for realtors, investors and loan officers, exceeding expectations, delivering unbeatable results and delivering the best customer service is non-negotiable. Their unwavering commitment to providing the highest quality service drives repeat business and has enabled them to deal with agents and lenders across the country.


As a new company, developing systems and processes that drive efficiency has been fundamental to building CTOT’s stellar reputation.

Like any organization, finding the perfect software to complement its needs has been a process of trial and error. Before TitleCapture, CTOT relied on software such as Qualia, which is dependent on manual input and preloaded test files.

Using Qualia was not only time-consuming and complex but, more than anything was draining the organization’s potential for growth.

Unlike TitleCapture, where each staff member has their own login credentials. Qualia required CTOT staff to sign in using the same account. This means that the whole company had to use the same four test files during the quoting process.

As you can imagine, this often caused delays in clients receiving quotes, with agents waiting for a free test file or reentering case-specific information due to it being deleted by other staff members.


Frustrations were growing, and it was clear that new software was needed. CTOT required a solution that would allow the company to seamlessly deliver quotes in a manner that would enable their clients to feel valued and prioritized.

With TitleCapture, CTOT could dramatically reduce the time and effort needed to produce each quote. Instead of operating via one file type, each individual agent can now generate custom quotes with just a few clicks of a button.

Our custom templates have allowed CTOT to gain control of their processes and have helped to ensure that their clients receive a level of service that is untenable.


When asked about the impact TitleCapture has had on their business, CEO Erin Kieschnick stated that having their own branded title software had been a “game changer” and provided the best customer service, she couldn’t think of a single thing that TitleCapture had missed for their market.

As always, our development team is constantly on the lookout for ways we can customize our app to meet the specific needs of our clients, so a new feature that automatically generates the property tax prorations for Texas will soon be made available.

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